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Wednesday 30 November 2016

Welcome to my simple life blog

Ciao tutti,

I hope you are all very well? I've decided to start yet another blog. I hear some of you saying "Yeah more humour" and others saying "Boo we don't care". Well I do care!

I really enjoy sharing my views and opinions on certain subjects and even simply sharing my life with others. I find it quite therapeutic writing so I wanted to start a general life blog.

Those that have read my blogs previously know they were very specific. I had my first ever blog called "Diary of a Young Widow" which detailed my never ending journey from widowhood and beyond.

I then had the fitting "Single Girl Blog" which allowed me to share some of my disastrous dating stories and also hopefully help others with their dating journey.

And my favourite blog of all is my "Beckyboo Travel Adventures" which has helped me share some incredible memories from my many travels.

This blog will hopefully give a mix of all of those blog plus more. It'll be a chance to be thought-provoking at times and include my rather poor taste humour (I apologise in advance).

I've already decided what my first blog post will be but because the subject is pretty deep, I thought I better have a nice little intro to start with.

I'm sure you'll learn lots about me by reading my blog but for now here is a recent snap of some of the important beings in my life.

For now, it's ciao

P.S I'm learning Italian (if you hadn't already guessed) so there will be a few Italiano words thrown into the mix.