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Wednesday 30 November 2016


"Homelessness is the condition of people without a permanent dwelling, such as a house or apartment. People who are homeless are most often unable to acquire and maintain regular, safe, secure and adequate housing" - Wikipedia.

The above is a description of homelessness from Wikipedia. I just wondered what does homelessness means to others?

I think it's pretty obvious, it means someone doesn't have somewhere permanent to live but what is really involved with being homeless?

There must be a million answers to that question. I think anyone who gets into the situation of being homeless has their own unique story. For me, I find it so difficult to comprehend how you could ever get into that situation in the first place.

Since the age of 19, I've owned my own home. I understand this is a very fortunate position. I was lucky to have a good job which allowed me to obtain a mortgage. But more than that, I had a deep understanding of mortgages and how I loathed the idea of paying rent to pay off someone else's mortgage.

I've always been responsible when it comes to money. Yes I love to shop and spend money on ridiculous things (I do really need three Mulberry handbags) but I've always prioritised paying my bills ahead of these luxuries.

I am assuming money is the biggest factor when it comes to being homeless. In my mind, there may be a chain of events such as becoming unemployed which results in having no money to pay your rent/mortgage therefore you lose your home and so on.

Perhaps the issue is not just money. It could be relationships which breakdown and cause someone to lose their home. It could be ill health. Or it could be by choice.

We've all heard the stories of that millionaire who simply decided he wanted nothing to do with money and now lives on the streets. Yes they probably are myths but I do believe some people choose to become homeless.

If you choose to buy beer and cigarettes instead of paying your rent then surely you're making the conscience decision that will lead to you losing your home?

Sadly I know there are individuals out there who make these poor choices which result in them loosing their home.

But other people didn't choose to lose their home. How often do you walk along the streets, especially in London and see people sitting on the street?

Now I'm assuming they are all homeless. Maybe some of them are not, I pray they are not. But sadly most of them probably don't have a fixed place to call home.

I have very mixed feelings to seeing these people on the streets. Often it is initially sadness. But sometimes it's followed by frustration or dare I say disgust.

I'm being very honest here, some people won't be as honest but when I see people who don't look like they are originally from the UK with their hands stretched out asking for money, I feel frustrated.

Of course I feel bad for them but I also know sometimes people are trying to cheat others. Trying to exploit the good nature of some people.

This isn't the case for every homeless person (regardless if they are from the UK or not). Some people have very sad and real stories for being on the streets.

I'm writing this post as for the past few weeks I've walked past a man and his little dog nearly every other day. He sits under the arch on London wall before you walk onto Throgmorton Avenue and from the brief interaction I've had with him, he seems like a kind man who has fallen on hard times.

I don't like to give cash to people but I will buy them food and drink. I'll often make sure I have a cereal bar and dentastick (for the pooch) in my bag. And he is always so thankful.

I know what I'm doing isn't much but I hope it's a little something to make things a little bit better. I'm only one person but surely collectively we can make a difference to these homeless people?

I think anyone who works in London or anywhere with homeless people can offer some help.

It doesn't have to be money, it could be the packet of crisps left over from your lunch. It could even be a kind genuine smile.

The weather is so harsh so maybe you could dig out that jumper or coat from last year that you don't use anymore.

Maybe you could spare some time to volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen? Here's a great website which has info on how to help.

I'm not saying you have to do any of these things but just imagine how you'd feel if you did something kind? It shouldn't be about how it makes you feel but let's be honest, we're all human and like to feel good.

So today won't don't you do that little thing that could make someone's day that little bit better.

Keep warm everyone and stay safe.
Much love,