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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Giving something up for lent

Although I wouldn't say I am particular religious (let's say I'm not a non-believer, I just haven't explored religion much), I still like the concept of giving something up for lent.

Each year I try and think of what I could give up for those 40 days (although technically it's actually 46 days including the Sundays). The first day of lent is Ash Wednesday which falls on Wednesday (funny enough) 15th February and lent will break on Palm Sunday which is Sunday 1st April.

The first thing I thought I would give up for lent was social media. This would include Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. I thought this would be a really good thing to do. I use my social media accounts every day. I'm constantly updating IG with pictures of pole, random selfies and of course cute pictures of Shiloh (my fur baby).

I thought this would be a really good one to give up. It's something I use every day and so it would be a sacrifice. It would also allow me to be more tuned into the 'Real World'. Perhaps by not constantly being on my phone, I would notice more things. I could spend my daily commute reading or listening to more positive affirmation podcasts. Who knows, I could even make conversations with new people instead of always looking down at my phone.

When I told a few people about my plans to give up social media, they thought I was mad! I didn't realise exactly how 'switched on' we really are. A few people asked whether my social media ban included dating apps - now I thought they were crazy!

The social media ban was all set then I realised a slight flaw to this plan - holidays. I have Dubai booked for the end of February and Australia booked in March. There's no way I can go away and not share my experiences with others. Now, I'm sure there's a few bitter people out there whom would love for me not to share my experiences on social media, however I don't give a damn about them!

Another thing with my Instagram account is, whenever I travel I always seem to get so many locals requesting to follow me or sending direct messages. It's usually people advertising places to go out or guys trying their luck. Obviously when you're single, this is a great thing.

I've met some cool people before via IG. Obviously I'm very safe and meet somewhere public and share where I'm going with someone back home (usually my sister). Again though, it's strange how we rely on social media accounts to contact people instead of just approaching someone at a bar or on the beach.

So for obvious reasons social media is here to stay. Some of the logical things to give up is alcohol - clearly not going to happen with holidays. Smoking - well I don't smoke already so that's cheating. I thought maybe coffee? I have a coffee every day but then I've heard the coffee in Australia is really good. Plus I know I'm be a real grump if I don't have my morning coffee.

Just as I'm typing this, I've thought of something I could really do with giving up -  random online shopping. Obviously I can't give up shopping all together, I need food and even when I'm on holiday I'd like to buy gifts but so far in the last week I've bought the following;
  • Three affirmations bangles (£60)
  • Three dresses, leggings and trousers (£55)
  • A slogan jumper (£22)
  • A note book (£8)
  • A kitchen (too much to share!!)
  • A desert safari trip (£45)
That's not actually that bad - usually it's far worse than that! But I definitely think I have a strong contender for what to give up. And just think, with the money I'll save I can book another holiday :-)

When you google 'things to give up for lent' it comes up with the following (additional to mine) ideas;
  • Chocolate/Sweets/Fizzy drinks/Meat/Alcohol
  • Buying coffee/breakfast/lunch (bring home-made instead)
  • Complaining/being negative
  • Being sarcastic (me... sarcastic... NEVER!)
  • Swearing (I can't fu*king give that up)
  • Sex (Why??)
There are some good ideas out there (well not all good ideas!). I guess the whole point of giving something up is, it's meant to be hard (no pun intended). It's a time to be thankful for all the things we good things w have in our life's.

I found this beautiful quote. How very true...

I've decided to give up the unnecessary shopping. I'm going to delete Ebay, Amazon, Wish, Groupon, Wowcher all of these tempting apps from my phone. I'm even going to unsubscribe from the emails.

Even if you're not religious, you should consider giving something up for lent. It will help you appreciate the things you have so much more and who knows what else you may gain from it.