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Friday 2 December 2016

My 5 top tips for surviving Christmas

For me Christmas is "the most wonderful time of the year". I did steal that from the song however Christmas has always been very special to me.

Christmas can be a very special time however there is also a lot of pressure associated with Christmas. I thought I would share some tips on how to survive Christmas without loosing your cool (too much).

1. Don't be excessive.

This tip applies to a lot of things. We all know food and drink is a huge part of the holidays but that doesn't mean you have to overindulge from the first time you see mince pies in the supermarket (which would be 1st November in most places).

If you know you'll be going out for a few Christmas drinks, try to control yourself. We've all got a little carried away, drunk far too much wine, sobbed to the boss over our turkey lunch then called your parents crying hysterically on the train and allowed your mother to put you to bed because you're incapable of untying your own shoe laces (or was that just me...?) so it's important to remain in control and don't get too drunk.

It's not just about limiting your alcohol consumption but also try not to over do it on the sweets and treats. You'll end up a few kilos heavier and no doubt with a tummy ache at times.

2. Don't expect everyone to think the same about Christmas as you do.

Lot's of people will be excited about Christmas. They will embrace the pink Christmas tree you insist on putting up at work and they will love the Christmas jumpers for the department lunch however not everyone celebrates Christmas.

Embracing differences is great. It's good to understand others thoughts and opinions but don't get disappointed if they are not aligned to yours.

3. Be prepared.

I had originally planned to have Christmas dinner at a restaurant this year however now I'll be cooking for seven people (the most I've ever cooked for is four!). I'm even having to plan two separate meals as the 'Italians' don't like Turkey (who doesn't like Turkey?!).

I've already started planning the meals and thinking of how I can prepare things ahead of the big day. On Christmas eve I will be peeling the vegetables and leaving them in water. I'll also make sure all the trays I need are foiled up and ready to go.

My also biggest tip is to ensure when you get the turkey out to defrost it, you remove it from the plastic wrapper. You forget to do this just once and everyone reminds you of it FOREVER!!

4. Have some 'me' time.

It's so easy to get carried away with getting to see all your friends and family before Christmas that you forget to have a little time for yourself.

I've just signed up to some hot yoga classes at 121 Urban Hot Yoga in Hornchurch throughout December. I find exercising such a good stress relief and it's the perfect way to balance off those mince pies.

You don't have to go crazy with exercise, you could simply enjoy a nice hot bubble bath whilst listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album or maybe go for a little stroll in the park (but wrap up warm).

5. Be thankful for what you have.

This for me is the biggest and most important tip, just be thankful for what you've got. It doesn't matter what presents you receive, or how much food and drink you have. It's more important to enjoy spending time with the people you care about.

I love my family so much so I'm really happy to be spending Christmas day with my parents and this year my sister. Also what's incredibly exciting for me this year is to share my first Christmas with my gorgeous fiancé.

You truly can not put a price on the happiness you get from spending time with loved ones. Sadly they will not always be around so it's very important to make memories to cherish now.

I hope some of these tips are useful to you. It's nothing new what I've said but sometimes it's good to have a little reminder.

Much love and kisses,